Monday, May 12, 2008


News Story

So apart of our trip assignment was to watch the news and report on two stories. Well I was so wrapped up with getting out there and seeing the sights I was unable to watch television. Upon my return I looked on the BBC website to see what was happening in the UK during the time of over trip. Then I remembered that I took a picture in Dublin of protestors holding a sign demanding, "Free Tibet." My research of the news consisted of looking at the free tibet organization and BBC for how this international crisis is effected the entire world. In London there were protestors who attempted to take the Olympic torch protesting the events chosen location this year, China. And interestingly enough the Kean University newspaper did an article on April 24, 2008 on Tibets situation and how it effects Kean's faculty and students. This was an eye opener to know that something that is happening across the world directly impacts so many of us.

Thursday, May 8, 2008



As a part of the film assigment we were asked to watch a film that
was set in England, Ireland, and Wales. Looking through Blockbuster
it was hard to find a film honestly especially if you don’t do that
very often. The people there were able to list over a dozen films
right off the top of their heads. So I chose to watch Elizabeth:The
Golden Age. This is definitely a movie that I would watch if it was
on television. While watching it the first time I struggle to piece
together the information that I already knew about the history of
England to understand the plot. After a little research and the trip
it was a little easier to understand. I enjoyed watching this film
better upon my return it helped me remember that land that I traveled
to. Definitely two thumbs up!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


By the time we got to London after a brief bit stop by Shakespear's birthplace, I was completely done with traveling. I was not impressed with England at first, at first it didn't look very different than local areas. I was soon to found out that first impressions are not always to be considered. After sleep, and a shower the next day began with a walking tour. The architecture is AMAZING!!!I can't believe people get to go to school down the road from the London Bridge, and Big Ben. My favorite part of London is when I went to the DuChamp exhibit alone at the Tate Museum. He is my favorite artist and to see his work there was great like I was meant to be right there, and that time. My people and them definately lived it up the last night of London celebrating TAMIKA'S BIRTHDAY!!! Flying home was great, free wine, movies, and a whole lot of memories.

One Day in Wales

Well, Wales was WONDERFUL!!!
Honestly, aside from the Dublin country sider (see slide show) Wales was my favorite destination. After getting off a ferry that was more like a cruise we arrive in Holyhead Wales. The day consisted of a lot of bus travel through villages, and countryside that looked like pictures in a storybook. The tour guide advised us that the people of Wales wanted a ruler from the land. So to accomodate the Welsch the King of England sent his wife to give birth to their heir on Wales soil later the child became on of England's most powerful rulers King Edward. Anyway, that is the best part of traveling to learn and become accustomed to the history, culture, and languages of diverse areas. After arriving at our small hotel that was believed to be hunted, I can confirm it was, I climbed a mountain. Yes, folks a mountain. Not only a mountain in wales, but a hike up a mountain at night to the ruins of the castle that once stored the Holy Grail. I can't make this stuff up! The memories that I acuired and the friends that I am still making have honestly changed my life!

Dublin, Ireland

At the very beginning of the trip I decided to take a journal with me and carry it around in my backpack in order to capture all the events and excitement in writing. Upon arrival we immediately began a walking tour. Being early on a Sunday there was few pubs, I mean shops open. We definately learned about the transportation system that day taking both the public bus, train, and taxis. Everyone drove on the opposite side from what we Americans are accustomed to, that almost cost a few of us our toes when attempting to cross the street. So when traveling to the United Kingdom remember to LOOK RIGHT! To be in Dublin, Ireland on Saint Patrick's Day was a once in a lifetime experience. Throughout our stay we feasted on beef stew and fish and chips. We learned the American dollar is the equivalent to toilet paper overseas. The greatest thing about Ireland is that we were able to speak with the locals. Could you ever imagine telling stories about banchies and spirits in a cemetary on St. Patty's Day? Well, I did that. The people that I have met thus far are amazing, we have already seen so much and the trip just started.

The Day After Drowning The Shamrock, Oh What A Day!

The UK!!!