Saturday, May 3, 2008


By the time we got to London after a brief bit stop by Shakespear's birthplace, I was completely done with traveling. I was not impressed with England at first, at first it didn't look very different than local areas. I was soon to found out that first impressions are not always to be considered. After sleep, and a shower the next day began with a walking tour. The architecture is AMAZING!!!I can't believe people get to go to school down the road from the London Bridge, and Big Ben. My favorite part of London is when I went to the DuChamp exhibit alone at the Tate Museum. He is my favorite artist and to see his work there was great like I was meant to be right there, and that time. My people and them definately lived it up the last night of London celebrating TAMIKA'S BIRTHDAY!!! Flying home was great, free wine, movies, and a whole lot of memories.

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