Monday, May 12, 2008

News Story

So apart of our trip assignment was to watch the news and report on two stories. Well I was so wrapped up with getting out there and seeing the sights I was unable to watch television. Upon my return I looked on the BBC website to see what was happening in the UK during the time of over trip. Then I remembered that I took a picture in Dublin of protestors holding a sign demanding, "Free Tibet." My research of the news consisted of looking at the free tibet organization and BBC for how this international crisis is effected the entire world. In London there were protestors who attempted to take the Olympic torch protesting the events chosen location this year, China. And interestingly enough the Kean University newspaper did an article on April 24, 2008 on Tibets situation and how it effects Kean's faculty and students. This was an eye opener to know that something that is happening across the world directly impacts so many of us.

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